There are a wide variety of furry creatures to take on, and finally the Dalai Llama himself. Regardless, the film’s message remains the same: community will prevail despite forces of overwhelming hate. Download - Easy Setup (6.17 MB) Brutal: Paws of Fury screenshots: The Dalai Llama has organised a martial arts contest for animals of all species to prove their skills, and you are competing in it. While the dichotomy remains, perhaps the film’s creators feared too strong of a backlash should the racial metaphor be too on the nose. The movie quickly became about a wandering dog becoming a samurai in a town full of cats.

This is much like in Blazing Saddles, when an African-American man was appointed sheriff to save an all-white town in the old west. The film, initially titled Blazing Samurai, might have originally been meant to follow a Black samurai who found his destiny in protecting an East Asian village. That could be part of why Paws of Fury has gone through such a ringer since it officially began production in 2014.

Despite everything the movie did for African-Americans in cinema (and it did a lot), it would not go over the same if it premiered today. The film is meant to be loosely based on Richard Pryor and Mel Brooks’ legendary movie Blazing Saddles, a 1974 comedy western that will forever be one of the funniest and most progressive films of its time. Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank is an animated comedy that has more stars in it than a Hollywood sidewalk.